My Comic Book collection

So I read a lot of comics but I don’t tend to review them because they’re short and usually part of a serial.

But I do enjoy them!

Most of my comics are from DC but I have a few others thrown in, so here is my comics shelf in all its glory.

As many Supergirl comics as I can get- I’ve almost got her entire run from her first appearance onwards
The CW Comics
Black Canary and Birds of Prey
Catwoman, Spider-Gwen and some Indie Comics

And that’s all of them (so far)

Not included is all my single editions as they have their own box in my office.

Comics definitely count as reading and I read much more because of these!

Hope you enjoyed this post 🙂

Thanks for reading


2 thoughts on “My Comic Book collection

  1. Lauren Always Me says:

    I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read of Batgirl – I’ll have to check out more. Thanks for the reminder!

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