Book Review: The Man Who Died Twice (Thursday Murder Club #2) by Richard Osman

Published: 16th September 2021

Publisher: Penguin

Format: Paperback

Rating: 📖📖📖📖


The gang are back!
This time, Elizabeth’s past comes back to haunt her- there’s a double murder, diamond theft, and one of the group ends up a little worse for wear after a mugging. It’s all going on for the Thursday Murder Club!

The second book on the series started off quite slow, I was waiting quite a while for the main part of the plot to show but once it was there I was hooked and couldn’t put this down, reading it before I went to sleep.

I really liked finding more about Elizabeth’s past. It’s nice that as each book goes on, we find out more about members of the group.

Joyce’s diary entries are a joy, as they explain the situation with such naivety and charm that you just think “Bless her”

I love all four of them and there were times I was genuinely worried about them! There were times when I laughed.

I love these books and I can’t wait to read the next two!
What will they get up to next?

4/5 stars
I loved it!

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