The Goodreads Book Tag!

I saw this A Book. A Thought. and thought it seemed fun so decided to do it myself! I wasn’t tagged, and I’m not going to tag people s if anyone else wants to do this tag- go ahead!

The last book you marked as ‘read’?

Image result for the memory of midnight

What are you currently reading?

Image result for doctor who the deviant strain

What was the last book you marked as ‘to read’?

Image result for A conjuring of light

What book do you plan to read next?
Thanks to my TBR jar, the next book I’m reading is:

Image result for holding graham norton

Do you use the star rating system?

I do! It helps me know which books I love and which I don’t but if I’ve given a half star I have to go lower on the goodreads rating so I feel that I can’t reflect my feelings as much because of the lack of half stars. I use star ratings a lot though!

Are you doing a reading challenge?

I am! I’m currently behind schedule on my goodreads challenge of 60 books but I’m hoping to try and pick up my reading a bit now I’ve got two weeks off of work for a holiday.

Do you have a wishlist?

On amazon, yes!

What book do you plan to buy next?

Well…currently I am on a book buying ban until I have cleared at least 20 books from my TBR but I really want to get the first two books in The Darker Shades of Magic series so I have them all as physical books.

Do you have any favourite quotes?

“A love of books is among the choicest gifts of gods”- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Who are your favourite authors?

  • Giovanna Fletcher
  • Louise Rennison
  • Laurie. R. King
  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Neil Gaiman
  • Lyndsay Faye
  • Markus Zusak
  • J.K Rowling
  • John Barrowman
  • Rainbow Rowell

I’ve omitted some but the general list includes this lot 🙂

Have you joined any groups?

I have but I’m not as active in them as I’d like to be….

Do you think Goodreads could do better?

Not really, I like it as it is!

Thanks for reading!



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