Book Review: With this Kiss by Carrie Hope Fletcher

Publisher: HQ

Published: 14th April 2022

Format: ebook

Read between: 20th-28th May 2024

Rating: 📖📖📖


This book seems to sum up why I’m not the biggest fan of Carrie Hope Fletcher anymore. I got this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review and although I did enjoy the story- it wasn’t perfect and was definitely predictable.

Aside from the fact there’s a small moment of transphobia with a trans character who is never seen again after once scene, the main character over reacts A LOT over the fact she can’t kiss people because of her “power”.

I actually liked the character of Joanie more than I liked Lorelai. She felt more human, more reactive to things, whereas Lorelai walked around in a bubble worried she may cause someone’s death.

The romance was less meet cute and more ‘here’s a male character the mc thinks is hot let’s get them together’ which I felt was a little unnecessary due to the fact they didn’t really know each other and had basically one date.

It didn’t feel realistic.

It’s an enjoyable story other than that and there were moments I liked. I just know that I won’t be reading anything by Carrie again.

Thanks for reading!

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